Valorant Stats 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Tracking Your Performance

Valorant is one of the most popular tactical first-person shooter games out right now. The competitive 5v5 gameplay and diverse agent abilities provide endless strategic possibilities. As a result, Valorant has cultivated an incredibly passionate and dedicated player base.

Hardcore Valorant fans always look for ways to analyze and improve their performance. After all, knowledge is power in the world of competitive gaming. Valorant stats trackers and analytics tools give players insights into their gameplay that allow them to fine-tune their skills.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Valorant stats for 2023. You’ll learn about all the best stat tracker tools, what stats are most important, and how to use your Valorant data to reach the next level. Let’s get started!

Before diving into the Valorant stat trackers let’s know something about Valorant Boosting.

Valorant boosting refers to the practice of higher-skilled players helping lower-ranked players increase their rank in Riot Games’ tactical shooter Valorant. Boosting services usually involve a booster logging into a customer’s account and playing ranked matches to increase the account’s matchmaking rating (MMR) and competitive rank. Some players look to boosters to help them reach higher tiers like Diamond or Immortal that they cannot attain on their own.

However, Valorant’s terms of service prohibit account sharing and boosting, considering it a form of cheating. Boosted accounts run the risk of disciplinary action if detected, including rank demotion, account suspension, or banning. Despite these risks, a community of paid boosters exists due to player demand for the illicit services. Many argue boosting hurts the competitive integrity of Valorant’s ranked mode.

The Best Valorant Stat Trackers

There are a variety of excellent third-party sites and tools dedicated to tracking Valorant stats. Here are some of the top options that all players should be aware of heading into 2023:


Blitz is one of the most fully featured Valorant stat trackers available. On your Blitz profile, you can view stats like:

  • K/D ratio
  • Headshot percentage
  • Win rate
  • Average combat score
  • Agents used

Blitz will also show you advanced stats like how often you get the First Blood in a match or your headshot percentage with each weapon. This allows you to dive deep into the stats to find areas for improvement.

The site also provides performance graphs over time so you can visualize your progress. You’ll get insights like your K/D ratio over the past 15 games.

Blitz is great for seeing where you stand on the global leaderboards. You can compare your stats to the general player base or just players at your skill level. This gives helpful context to your performance. provides another excellent way to view and analyze Valorant stats. Like Blitz, you’ll get all your key stats displayed in a clean, easy-to-understand interface.

Helpful features include:

  • Recent match history
  • Most played agents
  • Long-term stat graphs
  • Leaderboard rankings

Tracker. GG also has a match history tool so you can dive into stats on a match-by-match basis. This allows you to identify positive and negative trends in your gameplay.


Skillcapped focuses on helping players truly improve at Valorant by providing cutting-edge educational content. But the site also has great stat tracking built in.

You’ll get your standard stats displayed, plus heat maps showing where you get kills and die on each map. This visual representation makes it easy to see where you excel and struggle on a map.

Skillcapped has leaderboards, performance graphs over time, and head-to-head comparisons. Premium subscribers can even get custom statistics reports downloaded.


Leetify styles itself as the “gym for esports” and specializes in using data to build custom training programs. Their Valorant stat tracker provides great high-level stats as well.

Unique Leetify stats include:

  • Percentage of duels won
  • KAST (percent of rounds with a kill, assist, survival, or trade)
  • Clutches won

With a Leetify subscription, you can set goals for improvement and get custom training tailored to your needs. This helps turn insights from stats into real skill gains.

Valorant Stats

The website Valorant Stats provides a simple, no-frills stat tracking experience. You can quickly pull up your (or any player’s)overall profile stats, match history, and leaderboard rankings.

The Recent Matches section is particularly useful. You can analyze your performance game-by-game and see stats like kill distribution across allies and enemies.

While not as complex as some premium platforms, Valorant Stats gives you easy access to all your key numbers. It’s great for a quick progress check or looking up how a recent match went.

Most Important Valorant Stats to Track

Now that you know about all the stat tracker options, let’s discuss the key stats that matter when it comes to improving at Valorant. Here are the numbers you should pay the closest attention to:

K/D Ratio

Your overall kill/death ratio is a straightforward indicator of your contribution in matches. Especially at lower skill levels, having a high K/D shows you have the aim to win duels and create numbers advantages for your team.

However, the K/D ratio means less at high-skill tiers. Pro players often have K/D’s around 1.0 since they play objectives, and supporting roles, and take risks for information.

Still, keeping your K/D above 1.0 should be a goal until you reach very high ranks. Doing so means you are winning more duels than you lose on average.

Headshot Percentage

Landing headshots is critical in Valorant due to the low time-to-kill. Players with good crosshair placement and precision can dominate matches by relentlessly clicking heads.

Work on keeping your overall headshot percentage above 20%. The very best players maintain rates above 30%. Strive to get your headshot percentage on rifles around 30% or higher.

Headshot rate is a mechanic that transfers to any agent or role. Consistently clicking heads is a key skill on your journey to improve.

Combat Score Per Round

Combat Score measures your overall contribution in rounds across killing, damaging enemies, and playing the objective. A high Combat Score Per Round shows you are having a consistent, positive impact.

Aim to average a Combat Score Per Round of 275 or higher. The elite players average around 300, so 275 is a good goal for most players looking to climb the ranks.

If your Combat Score Per Round is under 225, it likely indicates you are struggling to contribute in matches. Focus on getting more kills, using utility better, and playing objectives.

Win Rate

At the end of the day, winning games is what allows you to rank up on the competitive ladder. Having a win rate above 50% shows you are winning more than you lose.

However, Win Rate can be misleading outside of the context of your rank. radiant players often have win rates around 55%. But a Bronze player with a 55% win rate is likely outperforming expectations.

A good goal is to maintain a win rate of at least 52-53% in your current rank. If your win rate dips below 50% over a long span of games, it’s a sign you may be stuck at your current skill level.

How to Use Valorant Stats to Improve

Now that you know which stats are most relevant for improvement, let’s discuss how to use them to get better. Here are some tips:

Fix Weak Areas First

Go through all your key stats and identify problem areas. For example, if you have below a 20% headshot percentage, focus on improving your crosshair placement in aim practice. Or if you die more than expected based on K/D, work on positioning.

Always focus on weaknesses before strengths. It’s better to go from bad to decent than decent to good in an already solid area.

Set Improvement Goals

Pick a few stats you want to improve and set firm goals. Don’t just vaguely want to “get better.” Increase your headshot rate from 20% to 25% over 25 games. Seeing the numbers improve is incredibly motivating.

Analyze Individual Matches

No matter how a match turns out, download your game stats afterward. Look at performance indicators like First Bloods, K/D, and Combat Score. Identify something you did well and something that needs work.

Slow, focused improvement happens one match at a time. Be intentional about maximizing takeaways in each game.

Watch the Trends

While individual games have randomness, stats over the long run reveal your actual skill level. If your K/D drops over 15-20 games, you likely have an issue to address. Or if the headshot rate improves over time, it shows a technique is paying off.

Leverage sites like Blitz that show graphs over time. The trends are important, not single data points.

Compare Using Context

To know if your 55% headshot rate is good or not, compare it to others at your skill level. Sites like Blitz allow you to filter leaderboards, so you can see where you rank against similar players.

Never forget context when evaluating your stats. The expectations are very different for a Bronze vs. a Radiant player.

Valorant Stats Glossary

Let’s define some key terms related to Valorant performance tracking:

K/D Ratio – Kill/Death Ratio, total kills divided by total deaths. Measures skill in winning duels.

Headshot % – Percentage of total kills that were headshots. Shows precision and crosshair control.

Combat Score – Awards points for kills, damage, utility usage, and playing objectives. Measures overall contribution.

KAST – Percentage of rounds with a Kill, Assist, Survive, or Trade. Signals consistent round impact.

ADR – Average Damage per Round. Indicates damage output.

FPR – Frags Per Round, kills per round. Shows the ability to find kills each round.

FK Diff – Difference between First Kills and First Deaths per match. Shows ability to win opening duels.

ACS – Average Combat Score per match. Tracks consistency in impact.

KSR – Kills Survived Traded Rate. Getting traded after kills signals good play.

RR – Round Win Rate when you survive the round. Indicates impact on round outcomes.

SEN – Survival per Entry. Want a high survival rate when entry fragging?

Frequently Asked Questions About Valorant Stats

Q: Do Valorant stats matter that much?

Valorant stats give tangible measures of your skill level and progress in specific areas. While they shouldn’t be over-analyzed, stats that show clear weaknesses or improvement over time do matter. They indicate where you need to get better.

Q: Which Valorant stats are most important?

The most important stats are K/D ratio, headshot percentage, Combat Score Per Round, and overall win rate. Having above-average marks in these shows you have good aim, precision, consistent impact, and ability to win games.

Q: What stats should I ignore?

Stats like playtime per season and total games played generally don’t matter. Some players improve fast while others are slow. Don’t worry about vague “time played” stats. Focus on performance metrics directly tied to winning.

Q: What stats indicate I belong at a higher rank?

If your headshot rate, K/D ratio, Combat Score Per Round, and other stats are significantly above average, it likely means your skill exceeds your current rank. For example, dropping 30 kills per game shows you belong higher.

Q: How do I increase my Combat Score?

Combat Score rewards playing objectives, getting kills, doing damage, and using utility effectively. Focus on having an impact and playing for the team to win rather than chasing frags. Contributing positively in all areas will raise your Combat Score.


Stats and performance analytics are invaluable tools for improving at Valorant. Tracking your stats gives you evidence of your weaknesses and shows the concrete payoff as you get better.

Sites like Blitz, and, SkillCapped, Leetify, and Valorant Stats provide excellent interfaces to monitor your progress. Focus on stats like K/D, headshots, Combat Score, and win rate to gauge effectiveness.

The most important thing is using stats to inform focused practice. Identify weak spots in the data, set goals for improvement, and track your performance match-by-match and over time. The numbers will bring clarity to your development as a Valorant player.

With the help of the best Valorant stat trackers, you’ll have the intel to analyze wins and losses objectively. All the tools are available in 2023 to turn knowledge into real skill gains. So dive into the data and let it guide you to the next level!

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