How To Build Flutter App for WordPress 2024 – A Comprehensive Guide

With the growing popularity of Flutter for building cross-platform mobile apps, many developers are exploring building Flutter apps for various content management systems like WordPress.

Flutter is an open-source framework created by Google for building beautiful natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Its hot-reload capability provides a quick and easy way to build UIs that look and feel entirely native on both Android and iOS platforms.

On the other hand, WordPress powers over 40% of the world’s websites with its open-source CMS. The WordPress REST API allows developers to interact with sites remotely by sending and receiving JSON data. This makes it possible to build mobile apps that can display and manage WordPress content.

In this article, we will learn how to build a fully functional Flutter app for WordPress that can leverage the power and convenience of the WordPress REST API.

Overview of Flutter

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Here are some of its key capabilities:

  • Cross-platform development– Flutter apps can compile to ARM Android and x86 iOS code. This allows you to build mobile apps for both platforms from the same Dart code.
  • Native performance– Flutter apps have a native look, feel, and performance on both iOS and Android since the framework avoids WebViews. The widgets incorporate platform differences and render using native OS elements.
  • Hot Reload– The Flutter hot reload feature allows you to quickly view changes made to your code in real-time. This improves developer productivity.
  • Modern reactive framework– Flutter uses a reactive style framework inspired by React. The widget tree uses immutable widgets and functional reactive views making it easy to build modern reactive apps.
  • Rich widget set– Flutter has a growing set of pre-built Material Design and Cupertino (iOS-style) widgets that help build responsive and adaptive UIs. Building a great-looking app is easy and fast.
  • Access native features– Flutter provides API access to core platform features like the camera, storage, geolocation, etc on both iOS and Android. You can also use and reuse existing native code in your Flutter apps.

With its growing community and developer resources, Flutter is fast becoming a popular choice for building cross-platform apps. It offers the combined benefits of native look and feel and code reuse across mobile operating systems.

Overview of WordPress REST API

The WordPress REST API allows developers to interact with WordPress sites remotely by sending and receiving JSON data. It exposes WordPress data models like posts, pages, taxonomies, etc. that you can access, create, edit, and delete.

Here are some key things you can do with the WordPress REST API:

  • Retrieve Content– The API allows you to access posts, pages, custom post types, categories, tags, etc. in JSON format. This content can be displayed in mobile apps.
  • Search content– You can search through WordPress content using parameters like search query, categories, tags, etc. Relevant content in JSON format is returned.
  • Filter content– The API provides parameters to filter WordPress content by author, category, tag, custom taxonomy, date, etc. This helps narrow results.
  • Interact with data– Using API endpoints, you can create, edit, delete, and manage WordPress content like posts, pages, comments, etc. remotely.
  • Manage users– User accounts can be accessed and managed via the REST API. This includes registration, login, profiles, etc.
  • Extend functionality– The API can be extended to add custom endpoints and functionality using plugins. This allows the addition of new APIs for mobile apps.
  • Authentication– The API uses OAuth 1.0a and Application Passwords for secure authentication. JSON Web Tokens allow token-based access once authenticated.

By providing a complete external access mechanism for WordPress data and functionality, the WordPress REST API enables developers to build versatile apps that can integrate deeply with WordPress sites.

Steps to Build a Flutter App for WordPress

Now that we have an understanding of Flutter and the WordPress REST API, let’s go through the key steps involved in building a Flutter mobile app for WordPress:

Authenticate with WordPress REST API

The first step is to authenticate our Flutter app with the WordPress site to gain authorized access to its REST API. This requires registering the app and obtaining API credentials.

WordPress REST API uses OAuth 1.0a authentication which involves multiple tokens and keys. The easiest approach is to enable Application Passwords under user profile settings and use the generated password for authentication.

We can make authenticated WordPress REST API calls from Flutter using the HTTP package or a dedicated WordPress API client library for Dart. The calls require passing the Application Password and API URL.

Fetch data from WordPress REST API

Once authenticated, we can begin retrieving data from the WordPress site using REST API GET requests from our Flutter app.

Some API endpoints to fetch data are:

  • Posts – /wp-json/wp/v2/posts
  • Pages – /wp-json/wp/v2/pages
  • Categories – /wp-json/wp/v2/categories
  • Tags – /wp-json/wp/v2/tags
  • Media – /wp-json/wp/v2/media
  • Users – /wp-json/wp/v2/users

The returned JSON can be deserialized into Dart models and objects to be used within the app. This data will drive the main content of our WordPress app.

Display posts, pages, and other WordPress content

We can display the fetched WordPress posts, pages, and other content in the UI of our Flutter mobile app by rendering it using Flutter’s powerful widget system.

For example, each post can be shown in a Card widget, with the post featured image, title, excerpt, and metadata. Tapping on a post can open it in a PostDetail screen.

For pages, a Page widget can display the title, content, featured image, etc. Categories and tags can be shown in custom widgets with the count of associated posts.

This will allow users to browse the WordPress site content within our app in a native mobile format. The data can be periodically synced to keep it updated.

Implement search, filters, and sorting

To allow users to easily find content, we need to add search, filters, and sorting capabilities in the app.

The WordPress REST API provides parameters to filter content by category, tag, date, etc., and also sort by title, date, etc.

For search, we can call the /wp-json/wp/v2/search endpoint by passing the search string as a parameter. The result will be matching posts and pages.

These features will require adding text fields, dropdowns, and sort options in the UI that can make the necessary API calls. The results can be displayed using the same Post and Page widgets.

Add the ability to create, edit, and delete content

A key benefit of using the WordPress REST API is the ability to remotely create, update, and delete content in the WordPress site from our app.

We can provide logged-in users the ability to create posts and pages by providing a form in the app to enter the content. On submission, we can make a POST request to the respective endpoint.

Similarly, editing an existing post or page can be done by fetching the content, modifying it in the app, and sending a POST request to update it. Deleting is possible with the DELETE API method.

To enable these, we need to implement authorized API requests in Flutter after the user has logged into their WordPress account.

Design responsive UI for mobile

Since we are building a mobile app with Flutter, it is important to ensure the user interface is responsive and mobile-friendly.

Flutter’s widget system provides Flex widgets that make it easy to build responsive UIs. We can use Column and Row widgets with Flexible sizes for layouts that adapt across mobile screen sizes.

The app UI should focus on readability with appropriate text sizes, spacing, and padding. Tapping buttons and links should display clear touch states and feedback.

Optimization for both iOS and Android platforms will result in a great user experience. The Flutter Gallery contains examples of platform adaptive UIs.

Add push notifications

Push notifications allow our Flutter app to engage users by sending timely updates and content previews.

We can implement Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) in the app for both Android and iOS platforms. When new posts or content is published, we can trigger push notifications to subscribers.

For handling notifications when the app is active, background, or terminated, the firebase_messaging plugin has extensive capabilities and an intuitive API.

Push notifications will be key for user retention and recurring engagement with the app.

Build for iOS and Android

A major benefit of Flutter is the ability to build apps using a single Dart codebase for iOS and Android platforms.

During development, we can use emulators or simulators for both platforms for testing. For release builds, native code is compiled using Xcode for iOS and Gradle for Android.

The platform adaptive widgets and native compilation will ensure our app adheres to the design language and patterns of both platforms. Users will feel at home using the iOS or Android versions.

With minimal additional effort, we can publish our WordPress app to both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for maximum reach.

Challenges in Building a Flutter App for WordPress

While building a Flutter app for WordPress using its REST API has many advantages, there are some challenges to be aware of:

  • Rate limiting– The WordPress REST API has rate limiting which caps the number of API requests that can be made in a short period from an app. Requests beyond the limit will fail.
  • Partial API support– Some parts of WordPress like custom post types, taxonomies, etc. may lack API support or have read-only access. This can limit the ability to fully integrate WordPress content.
  • Multi-site configuration– Accessing the REST API across a WordPress multi-site network requires additional configuration which adds complexity.
  • Scalability– Displaying a large volume of content or media files from WordPress may impact the performance of the mobile app. Optimization is needed.
  • Real-time updates– There is no built-in way for real-time updates from WordPress. Workarounds like constant polling are needed for live updates.
  • Native app experience– While Flutter apps look native, they may miss some platform-specific enhancements available in true native apps. Bridging this gap requires additional effort.
  • App approval– When submitting the app to Apple and Google app stores, inadequate documentation of the WordPress API usage may result in rejections or delays.

By planning for these challenges and issues in advance, we can find the right solutions and build a successful Flutter app for WordPress. The REST API enables deep integration while Flutter provides high-quality app UI and UX.

Tips for Optimizing Flutter App Performance

Here are some tips to ensure your Flutter app for WordPress offers optimal performance:

  • Minimize API requests– Cache fetched WordPress data locally wherever possible instead of repeated API calls. Sync periodically with a small payload.
  • Paginate content– For long lists like posts, use pagination and load content incrementally instead of everything upfront.
  • Async operations– Perform all REST API and database operations asynchronously to avoid blocking the UI.
  • Image optimizations– Resize images to appropriate sizes and use caching to avoid repeated large downloads.
  • Test on devices– Emulators don’t reflect exact real-world performance. Test regularly on actual iOS and Android devices.
  • Analyze runtime– Use the DevTools performance profiler to diagnose issues like slow build times, delayed UI, memory leaks, etc.
  • Learn Dart code– Eliminate unnecessary code and unused dependencies. Tree-shake to remove unused modules.
  • Native integrations– For key functionality, integrate native iOS and Android code for maximum performance instead of Dart approximations.
  • Custom animations– Use Canvas widgets for specialized animations instead of default animated widgets.

By optimizing network calls, rendering, images, Dart code, and animations and leveraging native performance, we can build a fast and responsive Flutter app for WordPress.

Monetization Options for a Flutter WordPress App

Building a Flutter app for WordPress enables you to reach both Android and iOS users. But for a sustainable business, monetizing the app is essential. Here are some options to monetize your app:

Paid downloads

You can charge a one-time fee to download the app from the app stores. This gives full access without further payments. Users pay once and enjoy full functionality. It can work for very niche apps. But may limit the user base.

In-app purchases

The most flexible approach. You offer the app for free and then allow users to buy additional features like ad removal, theming, analytics, etc. via in-app payments. Commonly used in mobile games.


Displaying banner or video ads within the free app allows monetizing the user base. Adds clutter. But a commonly used approach for non-premium apps. Ad revenue can be significant at scale.

Affiliate marketing

Promote relevant products or services within the app and earn a commission when users purchase through your affiliate links. Requires identifying the right products that provide value to your audience.

Paid subscriptions

Convert your app into a subscription with annual or monthly plans to unlock features. Can incentivize premium features while offering basic functionality in a free plan. Recurring revenue model.

Sponsored content

If your app has significant reach, you can let select brands sponsor content and place paid but subtle promotions. This needs to be done carefully to avoid ruining the user experience.

The best monetization strategy depends on your target audience, app features, and long-term business goals. Ideally combine multiple models like paid downloads, in-app purchases, and affiliate marketing for diversified revenue.


What is the WordPress REST API?

The WordPress REST API allows developers to remotely access and manipulate WordPress content and functionality using HTTP requests that return JSON data. It exposes endpoints for posts, pages, taxonomy, users, etc. that can be leveraged by apps.

How do I authenticate my Flutter app with WordPress?

You can enable Application Passwords in the WordPress admin and pass it for authentication from Flutter using the HTTP package or a library like Chopper. JSON Web Tokens can also be used for token-based access after initial authentication.

Can I create and edit WordPress posts from my Flutter app?

Yes, the WordPress REST API provides POST, PUT, and DELETE methods that allow creating, updating, and deleting posts and pages remotely. You need to properly authenticate and authorize API requests from your app.

How do I handle images in my Flutter WordPress app?

Optimize your images by using a library like FastImageCache. Download resized versions of images and cache them locally. Use a package like Cached Network Image to prevent repeated large downloads.

What is the best way to store content offline in a Flutter WordPress app?

Use a local database like SQLite along with the Sqflite plugin to store frequently accessed WordPress content offline on the user’s device. Sync periodically with the latest data from the REST API to keep it up to date.

Can I extend the WordPress REST API using my Flutter app?

Yes, you can use plugins like WP REST API Controller to expose custom endpoints from your WordPress site that can provide data and functionality specifically for your Flutter app.

How do I handle rate limiting with the WordPress REST API?

Implement caching and other optimizations like paginated data loading to minimize API requests from your app. If you still hit rate limits, queue up requests and display a temporary error message asking users to retry after some time.

What is the best way to monetize my Flutter WordPress app?

Consider a combination of free apps with in-app purchases, affiliate marketing by promoting relevant products within the app, and non-intrusive native app ads. This diversified model balances revenue with user experience.


In this article, we explored how Flutter’s powerful cross-platform development capabilities can be leveraged to build mobile apps for WordPress.

The WordPress REST API provides flexible access to WordPress content and functionality which Flutter apps can utilize by making HTTP requests for JSON data.

We went through the key steps like authentication, content display, search and filters, CRUD operations, notifications, and platform customization involved in building a Flutter app for WordPress.

While there are challenges like API limits, gaps in API support, and scalability concerns, these can be mitigated through careful design and optimizations. Performance tuning, native integrations, and adopting multiple monetization models allow building successful business-ready apps.

By delivering the native speed and UI capabilities of Flutter apps enhanced with cloud-hosted WordPress content via its REST API, developers can build versatile solutions to serve both Android and iOS users seamlessly from a single Dart codebase.

This unlocks the world of WordPress-powered content and features for mobile app users in a modern package. Flutter apps can bring new life to WordPress sites by taking them beyond the web into the growing mobile space.

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