Fix “Your Organization’s Data Cannot Be Pasted Here” A Comprehensive Guide 2023

Your Organization’s Data Cannot Be Pasted Here

It can be incredibly frustrating when you try to paste data into an application or website and get the error “Your organization’s data cannot be posted here.” This issue typically occurs when copying data from a source that has strict data access controls, like Microsoft Outlook or a secured database, and then attempting to paste that data into an app that doesn’t have permission to access it.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can try to resolve the “your organization’s data cannot be pasted here” error:

Save the Data to an Unrestricted Location First

One of the easiest ways to work around the paste restriction is to save the data you want to copy to a local file first, like a text document, CSV, or Excel spreadsheet. Then copy and paste from that unrestricted file instead.

For example, if you’re trying to get Outlook calendar data into an online scheduling app but can’t paste it directly, first save the calendar info to a CSV file on your computer. Open that file and copy the details from there, then paste them into the scheduling app.

By saving the data to an intermediary location that doesn’t have security restrictions, you remove the roadblock that’s preventing the paste.

Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Paste

Sometimes the paste error occurs not because of data restrictions, but due to a glitch or formatting issue. In these cases, trying to paste with keyboard shortcuts instead of the paste button can often work around it.

On Windows, use Ctrl + V to paste instead of the paste icon or right-click menu. On Macs, use Command + V. The keyboard shortcuts force the paste action in a different way than clicking the paste button.

Copy Smaller Pieces of Data

If you’re trying to copy a large set of data, the security restrictions may be blocking it due to the volume of information. Try breaking the copy into smaller pieces to see if you can paste smaller subsets successfully.

For example, rather than exporting an entire database table, try copying just a few rows at a time. Or with a large Outlook calendar, copy day-by-day or week-by-week instead of the whole month. Reduce the amount of data you’re copying until you find a size that can be pasted without issue.

Remove Formatting When Pasting

Sometimes formatting like fonts, sizes, colors, etc can cause the paste to fail. Try pasting the data without formats.

In Microsoft Word and Outlook, for example, you can paste as unformatted text. In Excel, you can paste values only. This plain text paste removes any conflicting formatting that could be getting in the way of the paste completion.

Try Pasting into a Different App

Occasionally the incompatibility lies with the destination application, not the copied data itself. Try pasting your data into a simple text editor like Notepad first, to remove the receiving app from the equation. If the paste works into Notepad, then the issue lies with the original destination.

You can then copy the data again from Notepad and try pasting it into the target application. Going via an intermediary often resolves any formatting or compatibility issues.

Adjust app permissions

If you’re trying to copy data from a secure source like Outlook into another app, make sure that the app has been granted permission to access and integrate with Outlook. Check the app settings or documentation for instructions on allowing access to other data sources.

For example, productivity platforms like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Dropbox require explicit permissions to interact with business apps. Grant the required access through the permission or integration settings.

Use a Migration Tool

For large-scale data transfers out of restrictive systems like CRMs or databases, a migration tool can save time and effort. These tools are designed specifically for grabbing data out of one app and moving it into another while navigating any permission issues.

MigrationWiz, Skyvia, and CloudFuze are examples of popular migration tools that can transfer Outlook contacts/emails, G Suite data, SharePoint content, and much more. Try a trial version to see if the migration tool can move your blocked data.

Check for Corruption in the Source Data

In rare cases, the data you’re trying to copy itself may have become corrupted, causing the paste to fail. Open the source document and check for any errors or inconsistencies. Try copying a different set of uncorrupted data.

If the main data source itself seems to be corrupted, you may need to restore data from a backup or recreate the content. Pasting will continue to fail until the core data is restored without errors.

Contact Your IT Admin

If you’ve tried the above steps and are still unable to paste your data, reach out to your IT admin or support team. Provide details on exactly what data you’re trying to copy, the source and destination apps, plus any error message details.

They can investigate why that application or data source is blocking access to copying data, and make any needed adjustments to the configuration or permissions to allow pasting.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fixing “Your Organization’s Data Cannot Be Pasted Here”

Here are some common questions users and IT administrators have about resolving the “your organization’s data cannot be pasted here” error:

Why does this error occur?

This error typically appears when attempting to copy data from an application that has strict data access controls, like Microsoft Outlook, SharePoint, Salesforce, or a secured database, and paste it into an app that doesn’t have permission to that data. It’s a security restriction to prevent unauthorized access.

What types of sources commonly see this issue?

Apps that have robust data security like Microsoft Outlook, SharePoint, Access databases, Power BI, and Salesforce, often run into “cannot be pasted” errors. The content usually can’t be accessed directly since user permissions are tightly controlled.

What apps have trouble receiving pasted restricted data?

Destination apps that don’t integrate with the source app or that haven’t been specifically granted access, like general productivity suites (Office, G Suite), messaging, and websites have the most trouble. Native apps tend not to show this error since permissions align.

What are some quick ways to resolve it?

Saving the data to an intermediary non-restricted file, using keyboard shortcuts to paste, removing formatting, and pasting smaller amounts of data can all help overcome the issue. Checking app permissions and using a migration tool are also great options.

What causes the error if not restrictive data?

Sometimes heavy formatting or corrupted data can also lead to a failed paste. Eliminating formats and checking the integrity of the source data can help in those cases. An incompatibility with the receiving app can also cause it.

How can IT admins adjust app permissions?

IT teams can grant inter-app permissions through admin consoles in Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, etc. They can also implement an identity provider like Azure AD to create a single sign-on solution and connect apps.

When should you contact IT support about this error?

If you can’t resolve the issue through simplifying pastes, adjusting app permissions, or using keyboard shortcuts or intermediary files, then it’s time to engage IT. They can investigate and resolve any deeper data access restrictions preventing you from pasting content.


The “your organization’s data cannot be pasted here” error serves an important security purpose but can be inconvenient when you need to move Outlook contacts, SharePoint files, or other data between apps. By saving content to an unrestricted file first, adjusting app permissions, removing formatting, using keyboard shortcuts, and verifying data integrity, you can often overcome the issue and successfully paste the data. But if those basic troubleshooting steps don’t do the trick, consult your IT admin to adjust configurations and investigate the underlying cause. With the right strategy, you can eliminate this common paste restriction and seamlessly transfer content between your business apps.

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