Instagram Reels Not Working – How to Fix It 2024

Instagram Reels is a popular short-form video feature that allows users to create and share 15-60-second multi-clip videos on Instagram. Reel has become widely used since its launch in 2020, with many creators and businesses utilizing it to produce fun and engaging video content.

However, sometimes Instagram Reels may stop functioning properly. You may find that your new Reels aren’t posting, older Reels disappear, or you have trouble uploading and editing new Reels. There are a few steps you can take to get Instagram Reels working again:

Check Instagram Status

Before troubleshooting your account, check Instagram’s system status. Issues like app downtime, bugs, or outages on Instagram’s end can prevent Reels from working properly. If Instagram is reporting a system issue, you’ll need to wait for them to resolve it on their end.

Update the Instagram App

Make sure the Instagram app on your iOS or Android device is updated to the latest version. Open your device’s app store, search for Instagram, and see if any app updates are available. Install the newest Instagram update and then try using Reels again. The update may have fixed a known issue with Reels.

Reinstall the Instagram App

If updates do not help, the next step is to uninstall and reinstall the Instagram app on your mobile device. This essentially refreshes the app and clears out any corrupted files or cache issues that could be interfering with Reels.

To reinstall:

  1. Open your device’s app store
  2. Search for Instagram
  3. Tap to open the Instagram listing
  4. Choose ‘Uninstall’ to remove Instagram from your device
  5. Search for Instagram again and re-download the app
  6. Log back into your account

Opening Instagram as a freshly installed app can often resolve quirky issues like problems with Reels.

Check Account Restrictions

In some cases, there may be restrictions placed on your individual Instagram account that prevent posting or using Reels. Check that your account has not been temporarily blocked from sharing video content. You can also try switching to a backup Instagram account and see if Reels work there.

Reset Your Advertiser Account

For Instagram users who connect Reels to their Facebook advertiser account, try resetting and reconnecting the advertiser account. In the Instagram app:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Tap the three-line Menu button
  3. Choose Settings > Account > Branded Content
  4. Select the Connected Accounts option
  5. Tap on your Connected Account
  6. Choose Reset Account

Reconnecting your business ad account can sometimes resolve connection issues that may interfere with Reels.

Contact Instagram Support

If you still cannot get Reels working after trying all the troubleshooting steps, reach out to the Instagram support team directly via the in-app support options. They may be able to look into your account, identify any problematic settings, and resolve the issue. Be prepared to provide detailed information on when Reels stopped working and what troubleshooting you’ve already tried.

Instagram Reels is still in its early stages and has some bugs to work out. But hopefully, these troubleshooting tips will get your Reels working properly again so you can resume creating fun and engaging short video content. Let us know in the comments if you found a particular technique to be helpful!

Instagram Reels Not Working- How to Fix It

Instagram Reels is a popular short video feature that allows users to create and share 15-60-second multi-clip videos on Instagram. It provides a TikTok-like experience right within the Instagram app. However, sometimes users face issues with Instagram Reels not working properly. If your Instagram Reels are not working, here are some troubleshooting tips you can try to fix it:

Check Your Internet Connection

The first thing to check is your internet connection. Reels require a stable internet connection to upload and view properly. Make sure you are connected to a strong WiFi network or cellular data. Try toggling your internet connection off and back on again. Also, check if there are any service issues with your internet provider. A weak internet connection can cause problems with uploading or viewing Reels.

Update The Instagram App

An outdated version of the Instagram app can also create issues with Reels. Go to your app store and check if there are any pending updates for Instagram. Download the latest version of the Instagram app and try using Reels again. The developers constantly improve the app and fix bugs with updates, so keeping the app up-to-date is important.

Restart Your Phone

A simple phone restart can help resolve temporary glitches that may be preventing Reels from working properly. Completely power off your phone and leave it off for a few minutes. Then restart your phone and open Instagram again. This refresh can clear out minor technical issues.

Check If Reels Are Restricted In Your Region

Instagram Reels is not available in all countries and regions currently. There are geographical restrictions in place. So it is possible your region does not yet support Reels. You can search online to check if Reels are available in your country. If they are restricted, you will have to wait until Instagram launches Reels in your region.

Make Sure You Have Enough Storage Space

Reel videos take up storage space on your device. If you are low on storage, it can prevent uploading or viewing Reels properly. Go to your phone settings and check how much free storage you have available. If it’s lower than 500MB, delete some unwanted apps, photos, and videos to free up space. Having adequate free storage can fix problems with Reels.

Use A Stronger Device

Smartphones that are older or low on memory may struggle to handle resource-intensive features like Reels. Using an outdated or budgeted device can lead to technical limitations. If your device is more than 2 years old, has low RAM/storage, or limited processing power, consider upgrading to a newer high-end device. Newer smartphones are better optimized to run Instagram and Reels smoothly.

Clear The App Cache & Data

Clearing the cache and app data for Instagram can sort out bugs or glitches that may be interfering with Reels. Go to your phone settings, select Apps, find Instagram, and clear the cache and app data. This will reset the app and refresh stored data that could be corrupted. Re-open Instagram and check if the Reels start working properly.

Log Out And Log Back In

Sometimes simply logging out of your Instagram account and logging back in again can fix Reels issues. This refreshes your login session which may have gotten stuck. Go to your Instagram profile, tap the three-line menu icon, select Log Out, and then log in again with your username and password. Then try using Reels to see if this resolves the problem.

Report The Problem To Instagram

If none of the troubleshooting tips work, you can report the problem directly to Instagram. Go to Settings > Help > Report A Problem. Select the issue you are facing, add details, and submit the report. The Instagram team reviews these reports and fixes known bugs. Reporting your Reels issue can help Instagram identify and resolve the root cause.

Uninstall And Reinstall The App

As a last resort, you can uninstall the Instagram app completely and install it again fresh. This will completely clear out any corrupted files or cached data that could be interfering with Reels functionality. Back up your data, uninstall Instagram, restart your device, and download Instagram again. Set up your account from scratch and check if Reels work properly without issues.


With these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve common Instagram Reels not working problems. A spotty internet connection, outdated app, insufficient storage, or device compatibility issues are usually the culprits. Try the step-by-step solutions mentioned above to get your Instagram Reels working again. If the problem persists, reporting it directly to the Instagram team can help identify and fix unknown technical bugs. With some patience and testing, you can get back to creating fun Reels for your Instagram followers to enjoy.

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