Clear Chrome Net Internals DNS Error 2024

Disclaimer: Before diving into the world of Chrome Net Internals DNS, it’s essential to understand that the information provided here is for educational purposes only. The procedures mentioned should be executed with caution, and any changes made to browser settings are at the user’s discretion. Always consult official documentation or seek professional advice if needed.

Understanding Chrome Net Internals DNS

The inner workings of web browsers often remain a mystery to the average user. One such enigma is the Chrome Net Internals DNS, a feature that plays a crucial role in resolving domain names to IP addresses. If you’ve ever encountered issues with Chrome’s DNS and found yourself scratching your head, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll demystify Chrome Net Internals DNS and explore effective ways to address common errors.

What is chrome://net-internals/dns?

The URL chrome://net-internals/dns provides access to Chrome’s internal DNS page, offering insights into the browser’s domain name resolution process. It’s a powerful tool that allows users to examine and manipulate DNS data, providing a window into how Chrome handles domain queries.

Navigating the Maze: chrome://net-internals/#dns

For users seeking to delve deeper into Chrome’s DNS intricacies, the URL chrome://net-internals/#dns is the gateway. This page provides a comprehensive view of DNS events, including queries, responses, and cache entries. It’s a goldmine for troubleshooting DNS-related issues and understanding the browser’s behavior.

Decoding the Syntax: //net-internals/#dns

The syntax //net-internals/#dns is another entry point to Chrome’s DNS internals. This streamlined view allows users to focus specifically on DNS-related events, making it a handy resource for those looking to troubleshoot DNS errors without navigating through other network data.

Chrome Net Internals DNS: A Closer Look

Unveiling chrome.//net-internals

The URL chrome.//net-internals is a broader window into Chrome’s internal workings, encompassing various aspects beyond DNS. While exploring this page, users can access information on DNS, events, HTTP cache, and more. It’s a dashboard for those curious about the inner mechanisms of their browser.

Solving the Mystery: chrome.//net-internals/dns mobile

When faced with DNS errors on Chrome, the URL chrome.//net-internals/dns becomes a diagnostic ally. This section provides detailed information about DNS queries, cache, and host resolver rules. It’s the go-to place for unraveling the mystery behind why a particular website may not be loading as expected.

Mobile Matters: chrome //net-internals/#dns mobile

As mobile browsing becomes increasingly prevalent, understanding Chrome Net Internals DNS on mobile devices is crucial. The URL chrome //net-internals/#dns mobile caters specifically to mobile DNS events, allowing users to identify and troubleshoot issues unique to their mobile browsing experience.

How to Clear Chrome Net Internals DNS Error

Method 1: Clearing DNS Cache

One common solution for addressing Chrome Net Internals DNS errors is clearing the DNS cache. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a new tab in Chrome.
  2. Type chrome://net-internals/#dns in the address bar and press Enter.
  3. Locate the “Clear host cache” button and click on it.
  4. Check if the DNS error persists.

Method 2: Resetting Chrome Flags

Chrome flags are experimental features that users can enable or disable. Resetting them might resolve DNS errors. Here’s how:

  1. In the Chrome address bar, type chrome://flags/ and press Enter.
  2. Click on “Reset all to default” to revert all flags to their default settings.
  3. Restart Chrome and check if the issue persists.

Method 3: Flushing DNS on the System

Sometimes, the DNS issue may be at the system level. Flushing DNS might help:

  1. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
  3. Restart your computer and check if the problem is resolved.

Remember, these methods involve tinkering with browser settings and system commands. Exercise caution and proceed only if you are comfortable making these changes.

How to Clear the DNS Cache on iPhone


We’ve all been there – you’re trying to access a website on your iPhone, and it seems like the digital universe is conspiring against you. Maybe the DNS (Domain Name System) cache is holding on to outdated information, causing your iPhone to struggle with connecting to the right IP addresses. Fear not! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the nifty process of clearing the DNS cache on your Apple iPhone. Let’s dive in and troubleshoot those connectivity issues together.

Why Clear the DNS Cache on Your iPhone?

The DNS cache on your iPhone is like a memory bank storing information about websites you’ve visited. It helps speed up browsing by recalling IP addresses without reaching out to distant DNS servers. However, there are times when clearing the DNS cache becomes essential:

1. Inaccessible Websites:

  • When a website becomes unreachable, the DNS entry might be the culprit.

2. Network Changes:

  • After tweaking your network adapter’s DNS servers, it’s wise to clear the cache for the changes to take effect.

3. Persistent Errors:

  • If you’re facing repeated issues with certain websites, a cache clear might be the fix.

Methods to Clear DNS Cache on Your iPhone:

1. Restart Your iPhone:

  • The simplest method involves restarting your iPhone. This basic action helps clear out various caches, including DNS.

2. Toggle Airplane Mode On and Off:

  • Another quick fix is toggling the airplane mode on and off. This interrupts and restarts network connections, potentially refreshing the DNS cache.

3. Reset Network Settings:

  • For a more thorough approach, you can reset network settings.
    1. Go to “Settings” on your device.
    2. Tap “General” and then “Transfer or Reset iPhone.”
    3. Select “Reset Network Settings” and confirm.

Disclaimer: Resetting network settings will erase saved Wi-Fi and Bluetooth configurations, requiring reconfiguration.

Clearing DNS Cache on Other Devices:

For Android:

  • On Android devices, you can use browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Safari to clear the DNS cache, following similar steps as on iPhones.

For Computers:

  • On computers, the process varies. For Windows, use the command prompt and the ipconfig /flushdns command. On Linux, restart the network manager with sudo service network-manager restart. Mac users can use the sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder command.

For Browsers:

  • Most browsers have their cache-clearing mechanisms. For instance, on Google Chrome, enter chrome://net-internals/#dns in the address bar choose “Clear host cache.”

If you’ve ever experienced slow internet connectivity or issues accessing certain websites on your Android device, it might be time to clear your DNS cache. DNS (Domain Name System) cache stores information about the websites you visit to speed up the loading process. However, sometimes, outdated or incorrect information in the DNS cache can lead to connectivity problems. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to clear the DNS cache on your Android device, ensuring a smoother and more efficient online experience.

Why Clearing DNS Cache is Important:

Over time, the DNS cache on your Android device can accumulate outdated or incorrect entries, causing delays in website loading times or preventing access altogether. By clearing the DNS cache, you’re essentially flushing out this stored data, allowing your device to fetch fresh information when accessing websites. This can result in faster and more reliable internet connectivity.

How to Clear DNS Cache on Android


Step 1: Access Network Settings

Begin by unlocking your Android device and navigating to the “Settings” menu. Scroll down and look for the “Network & Internet” or “Connections” option, depending on your device model.

Step 2: Select Wi-Fi or Mobile Network

Once in the network settings, choose the network you are currently connected to—either Wi-Fi or mobile data. Tap on the network name to proceed.

Step 3: Advanced Network Settings

Look for an option named “Advanced,” which may be located under a Wi-Fi preferences section. In this menu, you’ll find various advanced network settings.

Step 4: Clear DNS Cache

Within the advanced network settings, there should be an option to “Clear DNS Cache” or “Reset Network Settings.” Select this option, and your Android device will clear the DNS cache.

Step 5: Restart Your Device

After clearing the DNS cache, it’s a good practice to restart your Android device. This helps ensure that the changes take effect and that your device starts with a fresh DNS cache.

Benefits of Clearing DNS Cache:

  1. Faster Website Loading: Clearing the DNS cache ensures that your device fetches the latest DNS information, resulting in quicker website loading times.
  2. Improved Connectivity: Outdated DNS entries can lead to connectivity issues. By clearing the cache, you enhance the overall reliability of your internet connection.
  3. Troubleshooting Network Problems: If you’re experiencing difficulties accessing certain websites, clearing the DNS cache is a simple and effective troubleshooting step.

How to Clear DNS Cache on Opera


Step 1: Open Opera Settings

Launch your Opera browser and locate the settings menu. You can usually find this by clicking on the Opera icon in the top-left corner of the browser window or by pressing “Alt + P” on your keyboard.

Step 2: Navigate to Privacy & Security

Within the settings menu, look for the “Privacy & Security” option. This is where you’ll find various privacy-related settings, including options related to browsing data.

Step 3: Clear Browsing Data

Under the “Privacy & Security” section, find the “Clear browsing data” option. Click on it to open the clearing options.

Step 4: Choose Time Range

In the “Clear browsing data” menu, you’ll be prompted to choose a time range for the data you want to clear. To specifically clear the DNS cache, select “All time” to remove all stored data.

Step 5: Select Cached Images and Files

Within the clearing options, ensure that “Cached images and files” is selected. This is where the DNS cache data is stored.

Step 6: Click on “Clear Data”

Once you’ve chosen the time range and selected “Cached images and files,” click on the “Clear Data” button. Opera will then proceed to clear the DNS cache.

Step 7: Restart Opera

For the changes to take effect, it’s recommended to restart your Opera browser. Close and reopen the browser to start afresh with a cleared DNS cache.

Benefits of Clearing DNS Cache in Opera:

  1. Enhanced Browsing Speed: Clearing the DNS cache in Opera ensures that your browser fetches the latest DNS information, resulting in faster website loading times.
  2. Improved Website Accessibility: Outdated DNS entries can lead to difficulty accessing certain websites. Clearing the cache resolves this issue, improving overall website accessibility.
  3. Troubleshooting Connectivity Problems: If you’re experiencing connectivity issues in Opera, clearing the DNS cache is a simple yet effective troubleshooting step.

Safari, Apple’s iconic web browser, is celebrated for its speed and user-friendly interface. However, even the most reliable browsers can encounter connectivity issues, often attributed to a congested DNS cache. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to clear the DNS cache on Safari, ensuring a swift and trouble-free browsing experience.

Clearing DNS Cache in Safari


Safari’s DNS cache stores information about websites you’ve visited, aiming to expedite future visits. However, an overloaded or outdated DNS cache can lead to sluggish performance and difficulty accessing certain sites. Clearing the DNS cache in Safari is a vital maintenance step that ensures your browser fetches the latest information, optimizing speed and reliability.

Step-by-Step Guide to Clear DNS Cache on Safari:

Step 1: Open Safari Preferences

Launch Safari on your Mac and click on “Safari” in the top menu bar. From the drop-down menu, select “Preferences.”

Step 2: Navigate to Privacy

In the Preferences window, locate the “Privacy” tab. This is where you’ll find various privacy-related settings, including options to manage website data.

Step 3: Manage Website Data

Within the Privacy tab, click on the “Manage Website Data” button. This will open a new window displaying all stored website data, including the DNS cache.

Step 4: Remove All Website Data

To specifically clear the DNS cache, click on the “Remove All” button at the bottom of the window. This action will delete all stored website data, including the DNS cache.

Step 5: Confirm the Action

A confirmation dialog will appear, asking if you want to remove all website data. Confirm the action by clicking on “Remove Now.”

Step 6: Restart Safari

For the changes to take effect, it’s advisable to close and restart Safari. This ensures that Safari begins with a fresh DNS cache.

Benefits of Clearing DNS Cache in Safari:

  1. Accelerated Browsing Speed: Clearing the DNS cache in Safari ensures that your browser retrieves the latest DNS information, resulting in faster loading times for websites.
  2. Enhanced Website Accessibility: Outdated DNS entries can cause difficulties accessing certain websites. Clearing the cache resolves this issue, improving overall website accessibility.
  3. Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues: If you’re facing connectivity problems in Safari, clearing the DNS cache is a straightforward yet powerful troubleshooting step.

Flushing the DNS Cache in Linux – A Step-by-Step Guide


Have DNS issues in Linux? Flushing the DNS cache can help resolve connectivity and speed problems. A DNS cache stores previous DNS lookups on your system so websites load faster. But sometimes the cache can get corrupted or outdated. Clearing it forces your Linux system to do fresh DNS lookups.

In this beginner’s guide, you’ll learn three easy methods to flush the DNS cache in Linux – using the CLI, GUI tools, or restarting network services. Following these steps can optimize DNS performance, fix web browsing issues, and improve page load times.

Why Flush The DNS Cache in Linux?

The Domain Name System (DNS) translates human-readable web addresses into IP addresses that computers can understand. Linux caches these DNS queries in memory to reduce lookup times for frequently visited sites.

Over time, this DNS cache can fill up with invalid or expired data. Trouble signs include:

  • Websites failing to load or resolving slowly
  • Error messages like “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN”
  • Connectivity issues after changing DNS settings

Flushing the cache forces the systems to discard old DNS data and perform fresh lookups. This can fix multiple issues like speed drops, connection problems, or apps failing to connect to the internet.

3 Ways to Flush DNS Cache in Linux

Here are the top methods to flush the DNS cache in Linux depending on whether you prefer the command line, GUI tools, or restarting network daemons:

1. Flush DNS Cache using CLI Commands

The easiest way to flush the DNS cache from the terminal is by using the systemd-resolve tool:

Copy code

sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches

For older distros, you can use rndc instead:

Copy code

sudo rndc flush

These commands empty all DNS cache data instantly. Just run them and you’re done!

2. Use GUI Utilities to Flush Cache

If you prefer a graphical interface, DNS cache utils are built into most Linux GUIs:

GNOME – Go to Settings > Network > Gear Icon > Renew DNS Resolution

KDE Plasma – Click Shielded Icon > DNS Settings > Clear Cache

XFCE – Open Network Settings > Gear Icon > Clear DNS Cache

The exact menu options may vary across Linux distributions that use GNOME, KDE, or XFCE interfaces. Check your distro’s documentation for specifics.

3. Restart Network Manager

You can also flush the DNS cache by restarting the network management daemon:

Copy code

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

This forces all networking components to reset, clearing out old DNS queries. It works on most common distros like Ubuntu, CentOS, Mint, etc.

Restarting the networking service is slow but guarantees a fresh cache. Do this if faster methods don’t resolve your issues.

When Should You Flush DNS Cache?

Some common cases when you should flush the DNS cache in Linux include:

  • Webpages not loading or taking too long to open
  • Switching DNS servers and records not updating
  • “Server not found” or “DNS probe finished no internet” errors
  • Network issues after changing router or ISP
  • Website SSL certificates fail to validate

If you notice slowdowns with domain name lookups, browser connectivity issues, or sites failing to load, flushing cache is often the quickest fix.

Troubleshooting DNS Issues in Linux

Resetting the cache might not resolve all DNS issues. Here are some extra Linux DNS troubleshooting steps:

1. Ping websites by IP – Try accessing sites by directly entering IP addresses instead of domain names. If that fails, the issue is not just DNS-related.

2. Change DNS servers – Switch to backup DNS servers like Google ( or Cloudflare ( If that fixes it, your current DNS provider has problems.

3. Check domain registrars – Make sure domain names are properly registered and renewed at the domain name registrar. Outages there can cause DNS issues.

4. Review router configurations – If using custom router-level DNS settings, check those for any errors. Flush router cache too.

For advanced Linux DNS troubleshooting, you can also use tools like dighostnslookup, etc. to diagnose queries. But flushing the cache is often the quickest first step to resolve most issues.


Q1: Is it safe to clear the Chrome Net Internals DNS cache? A1: Yes, clearing the DNS cache is generally safe. It helps resolve issues related to outdated or incorrect DNS records.

Q2: Will resetting Chrome flags affect my browser’s performance? A2: Resetting Chrome flags restore them to their default settings, which should not negatively impact performance. However, it might disable any experimental features you’ve enabled.

Q3: How often should I flush DNS on my system? A3: Flushing DNS is a troubleshooting step and is not necessary for regular maintenance. It’s recommended when you encounter DNS-related issues.

Q4: Can I access Chrome Net Internals DNS on my mobile device? A4: Yes, you can. Use the URL chrome //net-internals/#dns mobile to access mobile-specific DNS information.


In the vast landscape of Chrome Net Internals DNS, understanding the tools at your disposal is key to overcoming challenges. Whether it’s the comprehensive view of chrome://net-internals/#dns, the focused insights of //net-internals/#dns, or the broader exploration through chrome.//net-internals, each URL serves a unique purpose.

As you venture into troubleshooting with methods like clearing the DNS cache, resetting Chrome flags, or flushing DNS on your system, remember to tread carefully. The intricacies of DNS resolution may seem complex, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can navigate the terrain seamlessly.

In the ever-evolving realm of online browsing, staying informed about the tools and features your browser offers ensures a smoother and more enjoyable experience. Chrome Net Internals DNS is not just a set of technical jargon; it’s a portal to understanding how your browser connects to the vast expanse of the internet.

So, the next time you encounter a DNS error, armed with the knowledge gained here, you can confidently step into the world of Chrome Net Internals DNS, unravel the mysteries, and get back to enjoying the seamless browsing experience you deserve. Happy browsing!

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