Top 10 Best CACI Apps In 2024

CACI Apps: CACI is a leading provider of enterprise IT solutions and services for government organizations. They offer a wide range of apps designed to help their employees work smarter and maximize productivity. With so many apps available, it can be challenging to determine which ones are most useful. This article showcases CACI’s top 10 apps that provide the most value for employees in 2024.

Enterprise apps are critical for streamlining operations, enhancing collaboration, and improving overall efficiency. When thoughtfully developed and adopted, they empower employees to do their best work. For CACI, apps are vital tools that give their workforce what they need to execute strategic initiatives, drive innovation, and deliver results for customers. The right apps make workflows smoother, provide helpful information, and promote engagement across the organization.

The following top 10 CACI apps are powerhouses when it comes to increasing productivity and tapping into the full potential of CACI employees. Each app serves a distinct purpose with exceptional capabilities that drive progress and performance.

10 Best CACI Apps

1. CACI Navigator

The CACI Navigator app is an intuitive home-based portal that provides quick access to all approved CACI apps and resources. This is a one-stop gateway for managing daily work, collaborating with others, and staying updated on important company information. Users can easily customize the interface to feature the apps and tools most relevant to their role.

Key features of CACI Navigator include:

  • Single sign-on access to all approved CACI apps
  • Customizable dashboard to feature preferred apps
  • Organizational directory with contact information
  • Searchable knowledge base of FAQs and documentation
  • Links to critical news, events, and announcements
  • Embedded chat client for messaging colleagues
  • Particularly beneficial for new hires to get acclimated

The streamlined experience of Navigator allows employees to quickly launch apps, find answers, and connect with colleagues. Increasing the adoption of valuable technology solutions, enables the workforce to focus on critical objectives that drive results. The customizable nature ensures relevance for each user. Overall, Navigator is a must-have app that empowers productivity.

2. CACI Jira

CACI Jira is an agile project management app that supports adaptable workflows to plan initiatives, manage tasks and issues, and track progress. It is a robust tool optimized for software teams but valuable across the enterprise.

Notable features of CACI Jira include:

  • Kanban boards to visualize workflows
  • Roadmaps to map multi-stage plans
  • Issue tracking to document and prioritize tasks
  • Reporting to gain insights into work
  • Powerful search and filtering
  • Integration with other apps
  • Customizable workflows and layouts
  • Automation to streamline repetitive tasks

This app shines when it comes to organizing collaborative work, mapping dependencies, and simplifying project coordination. Teams can work in unison while still maintaining efficiency in personal workflows. Managers can use Jira to gain clear visibility into the status and needs of multiple projects. Across software teams, business units, and enterprise initiatives, CACI Jira is an invaluable app for task management.

3. CACI Timekeeper

CACI Timekeeper is an enterprise time tracking app catered to the needs of CACI. It allows employees to easily record all billable and administrative hours worked on client projects or internal tasks. This eliminates reliance on manual spreadsheets and provides real-time visibility.

Key capabilities of CACI Timekeeper include:

  • Web and mobile apps for on-the-go access
  • Configurable timesheets for all work types
  • Assignment-based time tracking
  • Automatic syncing to billing systems
  • Real-time reporting for managers
  • Audit trail for compliance and accuracy
  • Customized workflows to match business needs
  • Integrations with project management tools
  • User-friendly interface to drive adoption

By centralizing time tracking across the organization, this app increases accuracy, simplifies billing, and provides insights into how work effort aligns with projects. The flexibility and controls give finance leaders, project managers, and leaders access to the data they need without creating extra work for individual employees. Overall, CACI Timekeeper is a game changer for time management and reporting.

4. CACI Marketplace

The CACI Marketplace is an app store that gives employees instant access to CACI’s catalog of approved software tools and cloud services. Rather than needing IT support to deploy new solutions, workers can browse, acquire, and roll out apps on their own within guardrails.

Here are some noteworthy aspects of the marketplace:

  • Intuitive browsing by category and app type
  • Procurement controls to manage licensing costs
  • Administrative insights into app usage
  • Single sign-on access for adopted apps
  • Reviews and ratings for app selection
  • Recommendations based on employee profile
  • Ability to request apps not currently available
  • Streamlined provisioning and deployment

This app empowers employees to be more self-sufficient when adopting new technology for their workflows. It enables more nimble delivery of tools while giving leaders visibility into usage. For CACI’s technology-driven workforce, the marketplace is a critical engine for innovation and optimization.

5. CACI Tech Hub

CACI Tech Hub is an enterprise knowledge management app that serves as a central repository for technical documentation, user guides, and other support resources. With searchable databases and smart assistance, this app provides instant help for employees.

Key features of Tech Hub include:

  • Searchable knowledge base of FAQs and articles
  • Wikis and documentation for applications
  • User manuals and training materials
  • Submit support tickets to IT staff
  • Live chat functionality for quick questions
  • Custom catalogs for different systems
  • Content recommendations based on roles
  • Internal blogs and release notes
  • Ability to provide product feedback

By consolidating technical help resources in one up-to-date hub, this app empowers employees to find the assistance they need while reducing dependence on IT teams. The continuous improvement and expansion of the knowledge base drive higher adoption of CACI’s technology landscape and enable self-sufficient workers. For IT leaders, the app provides valuable analytics into the most accessed resources and opportunities for improvement.

6. CACI Virtual Assistant

The CACI Virtual Assistant app provides employees with an AI-powered conversational interface to get quick answers, complete tasks, and streamline workflows using natural language. The intelligent assistant understands context and user identity to deliver relevant suggestions and information.

Capabilities of the virtual assistant include:

  • Natural language conversations
  • Contextual recommendations
  • Answering common questions
  • Looking up employee directory profiles
  • Scheduling meetings and events
  • Translating acronyms and terminology
  • Routing help desk requests
  • Integrating with workflows in other apps
  • Completing simple tasks like note-taking
  • User-specific preferences and access
  • Continuously improving through machine learning

This app taps into cutting-edge AI to help employees work smarter. The virtual assistant handles simple queries and tasks so workers can focus on higher-value priorities. It also gets smarter over time as more users interact with the system. For CACI employees, this app serves as an intuitive aid that promotes productivity and optimization.

7. CACI Reports

CACI Reports is a business intelligence app that provides real-time analytics, reporting, and data visualizations for critical organizational insights. The dynamic dashboards can be customized by user role and intelligence needs.

Key features of CACI Reports include:

  • Interactive dashboards with filters
  • Customizable reports and charts
  • Real-time data visualization
  • Analytics for organizational KPIs
  • Project management metrics and insights
  • Financial performance indicators
  • Workforce analytics for HR
  • Sales, marketing, and pipeline tracking
  • Supply chain optimization indicators
  • Embedded throughout other apps

For leaders at all levels, this app transforms enterprise data into actionable strategic insights. It enables data-driven decision-making, progress tracking, and opportunity identification. The visual nature facilitates easy absorption of analytics for maximum impact. With CACI Reports, employees have the business context they need to excel and execute the mission.

8. CACI News

CACI News is an internal communications app that serves as the central hub for company-wide announcements, news, and updates from leadership. It ensures all employees stay informed on the latest happenings across the enterprise.

Features of CACI News include:

  • Activity feed of news articles and updates
  • Customizable categories and interests
  • Breaking news notifications
  • Leadership messages from executives
  • Event promotions and recaps
  • Milestone celebrations and kudos
  • Division-specific news channels
  • Social interaction including comments
  • Links to related resources
  • Polls, surveys, and questionnaires
  • Analytics on engagement

This app empowers leadership to align the workforce through transparent communication. It fosters engagement across distributed teams and remote workers. By centralizing all essential news, CACI News reduces fragmented emails while providing a user-friendly experience accessible from all devices. For employees, it enhances understanding of strategic objectives and priorities.

9. CACI Events

CACI Events is a company events management app that allows employees to discover and register for upcoming corporate events, training programs, and professional development opportunities.

Key capabilities include:

  • Browsing a calendar of events
  • Registration and waitlisting
  • Event recommendations
  • Push notifications and reminders
  • Event agendas and speaker bios
  • Session schedules and room maps
  • Digital content and presentations
  • Live streaming of events
  • Post-event surveys and recap
  • Continuing education credits and badges
  • Integrated with Outlook calendar

This app enables employees to take advantage of all the activities and learning options CACI has to offer. The centralized hub raises awareness of events and makes registration easy. Employees can manage their professional development in one place rather than tracking multiple calendars. For event organizers, the app provides registration management, marketing, and measurement capabilities all in one solution.

10. CACI Go

CACI Go is a mobile app that allows employees to securely access CACI resources, tools, notifications, and contacts on the go from their mobile devices. It serves as an on-the-move gateway to improve productivity for remote teams and field workers.

Key features include:

  • Mobile access to CACI Navigator
  • Integrated with CACI apps and portals
  • Technical documentation and knowledge base
  • Collaboration tools including chat and video conferencing
  • Organization directory and contact management
  • Emergency alerts, notifications, and advisories
  • News and events feeds
  • Quick links to key resources
  • Touch ID and Face ID login
  • Mobile device management compatibility
  • Full encryption for security

CACI Go enables employees to work securely from anywhere with the apps, information, and contacts they need at their fingertips. The optimized mobile experience empowers productivity and real-time collaboration from the office, home, or field. For remote teams and mobile workers, this app delivers the flexibility and responsiveness to meet business demands from any location.


Q: What is the main purpose of CACI Navigator?

A: CACI Navigator provides single sign-on access to all approved CACI apps through a customizable home portal. It allows easy access to the tools employees need daily.

Q: How does CACI Jira help teams manage projects?

A: CACI Jira is an agile work management app with boards, workflows, reporting, and automation to help teams coordinate tasks, issues, and projects collaboratively and efficiently.

Q: What are the key benefits of the Timekeeper app?

A: Timekeeper centralizes time tracking across CACI for accuracy, automation, and real-time insights into work efforts aligned to projects and clients.

Q: Can employees acquire new apps through the Marketplace app?

A: Yes, the Marketplace allows employees to browse, acquire, and roll out new software tools and cloud services without IT support.

Q: Where can you find technical documentation at CACI?

A: The Tech Hub app consolidates all technical documentation, FAQs, training materials, and other support resources in one searchable hub.

Q: How does the Virtual Assistant app help employees?

A: It uses AI and natural language to answer questions, take notes, schedule meetings, route requests, and complete simple tasks to boost productivity.

Q: What types of insights can be gained from the Reports app?

A: Reports provides KPI dashboards, analytics, and data visualizations for real-time business intelligence related to projects, finance, HR, operations, and more.

Q: How does CACI News help align the workforce?

A: This internal communications hub delivers company-wide news, leadership updates, and milestone celebrations to engage and inform employees.

Q: What are some key features of the CACI Go mobile app?

A: CACI Go enables mobile access to Navigator, collaboration tools, notifications, contacts, and resources for on-the-go productivity.


CACI Apps offers a robust set of enterprise apps that each serve a distinct purpose for unlocking employee productivity. The CACI Navigator acts as the gateway to all apps in one customizable interface. Jira facilitates agile work management, while Timekeeper centralizes time tracking. The Marketplace streamlines app provisioning, and Tech Hub provides help resources. The Virtual Assistant uses AI for smart support.

For business insights, Reports delivers real-time analytics. News and Events keep the workforce informed and engaged. Finally, CACI Go enables on-the-go access from mobile devices. Together, these 10 apps provide integrated solutions that empower CACI employees to be efficient, informed, and productive in meeting business goals. They demonstrate the company’s commitment to investing in technology that drives the mission forward.

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