4000+ List of Cool and Unique ML Nicknames and Their Meanings 2025

Cool and Unique ML Nicknames: Mobile Legends is a Chinese mobile game platform that allows users to enter the battle arena with 5 vs 5 players. This online multiplayer game has several heroes with unique abilities that you can select separately in each battle and earn points after winning each match. However, before starting the game, it is important to have a good name, because it is your unique player identity and all your partners will remember that name.
The only reason why thousands of gamers search for the name Mobile Legends is that it is a name that stands out from the crowd. There’s no denying that the internet is full of millions of names that can be used in Mobile Legends, but finding the perfect unique name that suits your personality and playstyle is still tedious. To simplify your job, we’ve compiled a list of the best, cool, beautiful, aesthetic, unique, and great ML names you can use in 2022.
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4000+ List of Cool & Unique ML Nicknames and Their Meanings for Boys and Girls
1. Cool ML Names and Meanings
The cool mobile legends’ nicknames below are names taken from foreign languages. However, they are very suitable for use as Ml names to make them look good in the eyes of others. For that, please choose the name Ml and its meaning, which we have presented to you for free.
- Luna: moon
- Foerza: Strength
- Kage: shadow
- Hermoso: handsome
- Shadow: Shadow
- Golem: giant
- Kuro: black
- Vasto: wide
- Nube: cloud
- Chispear: splash
- Leon: lion
- Divan: magnificent
- Ostar: sharp
- Vjest: proficient
- Tama: dark
- Shiva: gray
- Rose: pink
- Zuto: yellow
- Airc: fist
- Mac: sword
- Strelica: arrow
- De sol: sun
- Ostrica: sword
- Allegre: happiness
- Hitac: throw
- Luminous: light
- Tenaz: persistent
- Laidir: strong
- Fragil: fragile
- Cruas: tough
- Malvado: evil
- Severa: gloomy
- Grim: shadow
- Ganar: win
- Lograr: achieved
- Reina: queen
- El Rey: king
- Regla: ruler
- Gris: gray
- Spiros: Destruction
- Enorme: big
- Iluvia: rain
- Almighty: almighty
- Ambition: ambition
- Nunca: never
- Aqua: water
- Teska: difficult
- Vital: vital
- Glass: sound
- Kisa: rain
- Alev: red
- Puppet: doll
- Vites: knight
- Metal: metal
- Blade: sword
- Izliv: dry
- Canon: cannon
- Muirin: family
- Cairde: friend
- Lame: weak
- Ruin: Destroyed
- Storm: storm
- Wild: wild
#2. Cute ML Names For Boys
Below are some of the coolest ML names for boys or men who seem funny, please choose and use them on a mobile legends account so that friends and others will be jealous of your name identity.
- Donkey
- Sï@ma8R8cË
- Lester
- Limits
- Vo Gokil
- Black ID
- Fatah
- slang boy
- Evos Legend
- RRQ Hoshi
- Ace
- Char Kren
- Shane
- Cute Ciwi
- Code name
- black sparrow
- cChicana
- Nana
- wolf
- Bang Bengal
- Young Mama
- Leaking Faucet >=
- Nik lo Deon
- D€∆DL¥M∆Nツ
- ᶰᵛ||•Liâññê•||ᴷᴵᴰ
- |Liâññê★
- Secret Username
- Aura
- Vandyi Sunday
- ~{™©LEGEND©™}~
- rчαn urkє
- legend
- Good Edit
- B3rk3l4s editor
#4. Unique ML Names For Girls
Now girls also love to play mobile legends games, as we can see from female esports pro players including Winda “Earl” Lunardi, Ay Pahlevi, and so on. Many Indonesian children also like to play mobile legends, especially women, please choose a unique nickname for the following women.
- Geisha
- Countess
- Roulette
- Belladonna
- Enchantress
- Cascade
- Mademoiselle
- Stilettos
- Voodoo
- Enigma
- Lotus
- Ivy
- Wicked
- Pumps
- Velvet
- Heroin
- Shadow
- Temperance
- Harlem
- Cosma
- Lithium
- Majesty
- Mannequin
- Femme fatale
- Coladas
- Legacy
- Raven
- Calypso
- T-Back
- Tequila
- Cougar
- Ultra
- Half Pint
- Black Beauty
- Minx
- riveter
- Amazon
- Vanity
- Firecracker
- Beretta
- Carbon
- Lolita
- Anomoly
- window
- Thunderbird
- resin
- Xenon
- Insomnia
- Infinity
- Nightmare
- Terror
- Malice
- Tattoo
- Mirage
- siren
- Nova
- Banshee
- Vixen
- Rogue
- Goddess
- Bellona
- Waylay
- Catch-22
- Ishtar
- Belle Starr
- Puzzler
- Kahina
- Duchess
- Villain
- Dihya
- Juno
- Prodigy
- Pearl Heart
- Teuta
- Virtual
- Deception
- Delusions
- Athens
- Selkie
- Tanit
- Enyo
- Boudica
- Variance
- Daredevil
- Running Eagle
- Deviant
- Chicanery
- Hua Mulan
- Fate
- Devi
- Voyager
- Crafty
- Daydream
- Illusion
- White Tights
- madam
- Sekhmet
- Shieldmaiden
- Calamity Jane
- Curio
- Wanderer
- Ambush
- Breach
- Deceit
- Valkyrie
- Venus
- Beguile
- Trick
- Figment
- Baroness
- Caprice
- Medb
- Mercenaries
- Herzogin
- Empress
- Variant
- Feint
- Isis
- Myth
- Atalanta
- Artemis
- Hero
- Night Terror
- Aberr
- Ashstart
- Nefertiti
- Cleo
- Colestah
- Marquess
- Breakers
- Subversion
- Uprising
- Upsurge
- Sabotage
- Overthrow
- Rebellion
- Insurgent
- Dissented.
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#5. Short But Cool ML Aesthetic Name
Mobile legends players who want a cool aesthetic name that has a good meaning, please use some nicknames that have not been used by anyone. The following is a cool aesthetic name for the mobile legends game.
- Miss imochaValen
- P6 seventy-six
- Java Island
- eropo leĸoe
- Batam lizard
- Valshie
- Ranga
- Aji
- Badpanda
- PutaPettyWap
- sky dante
- CM
- legeͣnͫd
- [FF0000]MissQueenツ
- iFeeLGood
- Jess no limit
- iNsEcTiON
- Alfan
- PopoThePrenk
- Winz Sniper
- Aiueo
- Stepmom
- DyrrothCans
- Pisto
- Puke
- g 🙂
- Wand
- Nike
- The kill of the kumal
- Zstyle
- Ryan
- Hokage
- Legend Forever
- big girl
- How come you’re like that
- Tomazacre
- Riot
- andrea
- | ️
- patrick
- Morthy
- HĒNĒĀŁ ańŤoťån¤•
- chaos
- Toxi
#6. Nice Symbol ML Name
- ️
- = uj!zZ =
- .•♫ ♬• Juna oto 01꧂ .•♫• ♬•
- Kurt
- |•RØ¥ÄL€ T•|
- Recoil Blast
- ❤ shutdown
- Orlando༻꧂
- dawntcallmelove
- üńä•
- Danlex
- A̶s̶i̶a̶n̶S̶e̶x̶D̶i̶a̶r̶y̶
- |•VeNoM
- |•EndllEesss☆*
- Queen of legends
- Bad Player
- jkrtn
- Deny
- ❤
- °♤P ororo♤°
- Boss
- °$C∆R|_€T°
- plok plok√√
- lord fang
- NvN 64RP1T™
- SSoloz
- pro sa panaginip♡♡
- Wielino
- |yaoming
#7. Additional Best Mobile Legends Nicknames
- Nevve
- Emperor lelouch
- Adha
- Kempetz Coeg
- uicideBøy$
- Front ninja predator
- Exøticalphå
- Brayan
- Im peanut
- Ae
- brazzer
- Pasha
- adi
- Hans
- RecoilPathy
- Panasonic
- ♦ ܢ Ƥʀɪᴍ͢͢͢ᴏ
- Tin Htet Thu Aung
- wat_=da=_sir
- suraj
- Unknownkiller
- Axcel
- Pro gamer
- |nightfury
- Ms
- Starzenń
- ryuga
- BabyShark
- Jovelle
- ?? ️
- Carle
- Shry Rose
- glass
- shaarp
- shark
- nove
- gide
- frees
- fench
- abnormal
- savedlobe
- baggies
- phone
- good luck
- good job
- neverlost
- alwayswin
- strike
- alphabetical
- numeric
- aqua
- like
- andika
- Amazonia
- Abaddon
- Abedossen
- Abscissa
- Absinthe
- Accurate
- Acidbath
- Addictive
- Adelaid
- Adherea
- Aeroid
- airplane
- AeroSwift
- Amor
- Amnesia
- Amnesty
- Annalisa
- Calm
- Angelica
- Angelicia
- Eon
- Vapor
- Beryllium
- Radon
- Rat Lab
- Nuclear
- Helium
- Radioactive
- X-Ray
- Zinc
- Mercury
- Photon
- Hot Salt
- Xenon
- Volt demord
- Selenium
- Element
- malfoy
- Chromium
- Electron
- Radiate
- Entropy
- Radium
- Redux
- Elemental
- Ion
- Osmium
- Phosphorescent
- Romi
- Black
- Square
- Strong
- Drawnie
- loafers
- Hoɱɘɭƴ Sʜʌʀpsʜootɘʀs
- P Pʀɩvɩɭɘʛɘ
- Coɱpɭɘx Sɭʌƴɘʀs
- Ftƴ Dɘvɩɭs
- Ftɩcʌɭ Tƴʀʌŋŋƴ
- Aya
- Cɭoʋɗƴ Pɘʀpɘtʀʌtoʀ
- Mɩʛʜt Mʌʆɩʌ
- Ksʜot
- A47t47
- Pʋɓʛst
- Dɘstʋctɩvɘvɩʀʋs
- Cʜɩcĸɘŋɭovɘʀ
- So …
- P
- Stŋɩʛʜpŋɩʛʜo Ks
- New
- Pʋʀʀɩŋʛ Coɘʀcɩoŋ
- Rɘʛʋɭʌʀ Dɩscɩpɭɩŋɘ
- Dɩʑʑƴ Iɩsɩstɩɓɭɘ
- What missile?
- Scʌʀcɘ Eŋɘɱƴ
- Catstrati Kid
- Cʋp’Cʌĸ
- Cooɭ Lʌʋŋɗʌ
- What’s that
- Igyidi Kieint
- Bʀʋt Kɩɭɭɘʀ
- Click OK
- Aoŋɘ ovɘʀTђе ея
- ️Mƴstɘʀɩo
- Sp
#8. New Female Aesthetic Cool Names
- Ema
- AAnomaly
- Thunderbird
- window
- resin
- Insomnia
- Xenon
- Infinity
- Terror
- Nightmare
- Malice
- Mirage
- Tattoo
- siren
- Banshee
- Nova
- Vixen
- Goddess
- Rogue
- Bellona
- Catch-22
- Waylay
- Ishtar
- Puzzler
- Belle Starr
- Kahina
- Villain
- Duchess
- Dihya
- Prodigy
- Juno
- Pearl Heart
- Virtual
- Teuta
- Deception
- Athens
- Delusions
- Selkie
- Enyo
- Tanit
- Boudica
- Daredevil
- Variance
- Running Eagle
- Chicanery
- Deviant
- Hua Mulan
- Devi
- Fate
- Voyager
- Daydream
- Crafty
- Illusion
- madam
- White Tights
- Sekhmet
- Calamity Jane
- Shieldmaiden
- Curio
- Ambush
- Wanderer
- Breach
- Valkyrie
- Deceit
- Venus
- Trick
- Beguile
- Figment
- Caprice
- Arizona
- ML Girls
- Be winner
- Flashbolt
- Lincoln
- Starman
- Nilly
- Palatinee
- Dawson
- Fleet
- Leonardo
- Taz
- Asgard
- Verona
- Sierra
- Inka
- Salma Fina
- Saima salsabila
- Sarah Gibson
- aawkwarin
- awaiii
- hisaaWinniee
- lessi
- rearises
- characteristics
- Zen
- ima
- ema
- may
- Rina
- Isma
- nDavida
- Ulva
- Ulla
- Fitri
- Anik
- beauty
- beauty
- beautiful
- beautiful gamers.